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Q: What is AYSOU?
A: AysoU is AYSO University. It is the catalog of certification courses for all AYSO Volunteers. This is where volunteers go to complete online courses, and also find and register for instructor-led courses offered through any AYSO Region.
Q: How do I log into AysoU?
A: Please follow these steps:
1. Go to
2. Click Login if you have signed up before or Register Now if you are new to AYSO. During registration choose "I am a team coach or other team personnel" if you are signing up to just volunteer and don't have your child registered to play in this season
3. You should be taken to your My Account page with a VOLUNTEER menu option on the left side
4. Click on the VOLUNTEER tab showing your volunteer roles
5. Under your name, you have a AysoU or AYSOU button, click there. This should open AysoU in another window and automatically log into the system.

Q: What courses do I need to take to become a certified AYSO volunteer?
A: All volunteers must complete three online courses at AysoU: Safe Haven™, CDC Concussion Awareness, and Sudden Cardiac Arrest.
In addition, Coaches must obtain their age-specific Coach Certification by taking an instructor-led class. (The online only courses offered at AysoU do not qualify.) Referees must obtain their level-specific certification through instructor-led classes as well. Talk to your Coach Administrator or Referee Administrator for more information.
Q. How do I find online courses to take?
A: Once in the AysoU system, click Training Library on the left side and it will take you to available online training courses

Q: How do I find in-person certification courses at AysoU?
A: Once in the AysoU system, click Training Event on the left side and it will take you to available in-person training courses

You may register for, and attend, Certification Courses through ANY AYSO Region.
Q: What online and in-person courses do I need to take as a volunteer?
A: All AYSO Volunteers must complete the online Safe Haven™ and CDC Concussion Awareness and Sudden Cardiac Arrest courses at ETrainU. In addition, Coaches and Referees must attend in-person certification courses, specific to the age-division/level they will be coaching/refereeing. See the below documents:
Q: How can I verify which aysoU courses I have completed?
A: The easiest method is to log into your account and click the Volunteer tab. Below your name, you can see your certification status for coaching, Risk Status (background check), Concussion Awareness, Sudden Cardiac Arrest, and Safe Haven. As of this writing, referee courses do not show here.
The more thorough method is:
Once in the aysoU system, click My Training on the left side and it will take you to available in-person training courses