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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Cathedral City Soccer - Region 1200

Whats needed to be a Volunteer Coach

Region 1200 Cathedral City would like to invite you parents, aunts, uncles, grandmas, grandpas, siblings, friends or guardians of your player to volunteer to become a coach or referee in our soccer program. NO EXPERICANCE NECESSARY, being that we are a volunteer run organization the children unfortunately can not play if there are no coaches for a team or if there are no referees for a game.

Coaching your child can be a very rewarding experience and there is no better way to bond with your child than by being a part of their soccer experience. Whether you are a male or female we will train you to succeed as a coach and supply you with the necessary tools for success. 

Those of you that are interested in becoming a Referee can get in on the action by volunteering to be a referee. We will train you on all the rules and the spirit of the game for you to have a rewarding experience plus providing you with the uniform. Contact Greg Jackson our referee administrator. Email: [email protected]

COACHES - background check and fingerprints are required by law.

How do I get started?

Background Check Needed Annually

To become an ayso volunteer coach you must first register by going to There you can create a volunteer profile. After completing your volunteer profile the system should automatically send you an email for a background check through sterling. Follow the instructions in that email to complete the background check. The background check cost is 25 dollars which can be covered by the region, at checkout simply click on the option for the AYSO to pay for the background check while checking out. You also have the option to pay for the background check as a donation. If you can not find the email for the backround check, there is a way to send it to yourself,  when you are in your ayso1200 volunteer profile click on volunteer. Then click on the box where it says risk status then click below where it says renew and update. You  then should receive an email from sterling. Follow the instructions in that email to complete the background check.
Fingerprints Needed Only Once

How do I complete my fingerprints live scan?

To complete fingerprints you will need to do a live scan. First you must set an appointment at a live scan center. You can pick any location you wish, the closest is the UPS store next to Target in Cathedral City shopping center. To make the appointment and complete fingerprints Click the link on the very bottom of the page under Site Links and follow the instructions to complete. Fingerprints cost is 25 dollars which can be refunded upon fulfilling duties, and requesting a refund via email to [email protected]

Courses Needed

The 4 courses you will need to be a fully certified volunteer coach are Safe Haven, CDC Concussion Awareness, Sudden Cardiac Arrest and SafeSport Course. 3 (Safe Haven, CDC Concussion Awareness and Sudden Cardiac Arrest) of These courses can be found by clicking on AYSOU next to your volunteer profile name and click on my courses (Click How to take AYSOU button under Become A Volunteer on the home page for more detailed instructions.).The SafeSport Course you need can be found by clicking the SafeSport Link at the bottom of the page. SafeSport is required by California. You will need to create a SafeSport Account. Safeport does need to be renewed every 3 years.

Coaching License
Last but not least will be getting your AYSO coaching License. The u8 Coaching License can be obtained online through the same AYSOU portal where you completed your safe haven courses. Instead of clicking Safe Haven Classes simply click on Coaching Classes. There you can get your u8 Coaching License.  Getting a u10 Coaching License or higher you will need to do an online portion and also an in person class which can be found also in the AYSOU Library by clicking on Training Event. Find the event/class you will like to attend, sign up for it and once you attend it the Coaching Instructor can give you credit so that you may get your Coaching License in the Division that the class was for.

Any questions email [email protected]

National Partners

Contact Us

AYSO Region 1200

69360 30th Avenue, Dennis Keat Soccer Park
Cathedral City, California 92234

Email Us: [email protected]
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